From Feb 1st through Feb 11th team Idaho Kitesports will be on a winter
melt down in the British Virgin Islands. Please stay tuned as we will be
posting kite videos of the trip. We will see ya when we get back.
Jan. 31st: 8'' last night and still snowing!!! I don't know what to say, this
is a crazy big snow year. East winds are good today but I am not sure
that you can get up to the camas valley. The snow is drifting badly.
Jan.30th: 8'' more last night, and still snowing on and off. Good west
winds to day 15-25 mph. Conditions are insanely good. Tomorrow looks
like another super stormy day. Noaa is predicting 5-9'' more. Winds are
going to change from easterlies to westerlies mid-day. Ride the storm out!
Jan.29th: 10'' more yesterday!!! I can't believe this snow season! It is like
nothing i have ever seeing. Sure makes you wonder about global
warming. Today is strong East winds, but visibility is crap.
Jan. 28th: Snowing like crazy! 6'' last night, and going strong. Coverage
is endless and this point. Kite anywhere you want, only the tallest of
bushes are visible.
Jan.27th: Really nice day for East winds 15-22 mph. lightly snowing.
Jan. 22nd: Light west winds today. We will call it a rest day. Check out the
new video. All clips were shot in January.
Jan. 21th: Decent West winds again today. 9-16 mph and we are hoping
for more snow.
Jan. 20th: Really nice day up in the Camas. West winds 11-18 mph. The
temp was 20 degrees, and skies were blue. 4'' inches of new snow over
night. The coverage is great, and so is the snow conditions. Lots of riders
Jan. 19th: Not much was happening today. Light East winds were working
at last resort ridge line.
Jan 18th: Another epic day of wind. Strong west winds all day long! 10
meter weather for sure. This week has been the best i have every
Jan 17th: The day is looking really good! As of 11am winds were West
@20 gusting 25 mph. Take your warm gear and go get it!
Jan 16th: Yesterday day was awesome! The snow base has firmed up,
and coverage is really good. Today looks like light West winds, but i bet
you could find some wind up there. Tomorrow looks pretty good for West
winds, but cold -16 over night in Fairfield, with a high tomorrow of 16
Jan 15th: Gusting NW @ 41 mph this morning at 4:00 am. It has backed
off thankfully. 11:00am NW 24-30 mph, blue sky, and good snow.
Today's conditions is why we Snowkite!!!!!!! Wednesday Looks like light
NW winds But it could easily be a perfect day as well.
Jan 14th: Strong winds today out of the SE, but the Camas isn't getting
much of it. Tuesday looks really really good!!!! Go up if you can cause it is
going to be little kite weather.
Jan 13th: Winds were none existent until 2:30pm and then it blew NW @
14 mph for an hour and a half. Hawki was the only guy that i heard went
up. Monday looks like strong winds out of the SE, we will see if it fills in
the Camas.
Jan 12th: Seems like today is a bust! No real wind to speak of. A group is
headed up to the Snowpark to build some kickers, and ride sleds.
Tomorrow looks better then today but not a sure thing.
Jan 11th: Today was really strong west winds(26-33mph). This was an
awesome day up in the Camas. Monty and Charlie explored yet another
new area. With the snow this good, people keep spreading out and
Jan 10th: Classic S.E. wind story today. It's blowin E.S.E. @ 25mph in
Mountain Home and Boise, but the camas is Calm. It is currently snowing.
We hope to get 6''-8'' inches today and to night. Today is a rest day!
Weekend looks marginal so far, but that can easily turn around.
Jan 9th: Strong west winds (27-35mph) all morning. Snow is waist deep
right now. Once this new snow packs down it will be so much better. 9
guys rode the south side of Double Barrel. Monty explored a new area
near Little Camas Res. Charlie rode Southern Love, but was blown out and
had to bail on it. By far the deepest snow i have ever kited in!!!
Jan 8th: More snow last night. 3 inches this morning and still snowing like
crazy. Winds are up, but visibility is crap. The next two days look really
good for West winds
Jan. 7th: Lots of Snow over night and all day! Blue skys and calm, then
white out and windy today. Fences post are disappearing!
Jan. 6th: Another epic day. 6'' new inches of snow today. 17- 20 mph.
Snow was ideal for kiting. Little groups of kiters tackled many of the
locations. This year has been crazy good so far!!!!!
Jan. 5th: The Snowpark went off today 20- 25 mph. The old guys tore up
the Snowpark. Big smiles from everyone.
Jan. 4th: Snowy! no kiting today.
Jan. 3rd: Today was a little hit and miss. But surely ridable.
Jan. 2nd: Sure enough today was just as good as yesterday! 15-19 mph
most of the day! Lots of people rallied the Park.
Jan. 1st: Today was a rare treat! Super smooth east winds. 17-22 mph. a
bunch of people rode Double Barrel. Epic cornice drops. Jmac Had the
best session of his life! The next two days look like the same forecast as
Dec. 31th: light east winds today. Light snow. Tomorrow looks good for east winds.
Dec. 30th: Holy white out! Today was on and off white out, but the wind was good 17-26 mph. Snow is
getting wind packed with drifts in the valleys. 2'' inches of new snow and still snowing heavily. Evon,
Skylar, Ben B, and some other new guys progressed a ton. We rode all day!
Dec. 29th: Today was truly amazing! The Snowpark went off today! Lots of people go ride time. Local
rippers Hawki, Eddie, Charlie where there all day and said it was perfect blue sky, and 20 mph wind
from noon to dark.
Dec. 28th: 2'' inches of snow over night with a lot more on the way. Winds were variable and less than
10 mph. This weekend is looking really really good!!! Sunday is going to be epic!
Dec. 27th: Light west winds again. 12pm-4pm was W @ 10-16 mph. It was ridable for a while.
Dec. 26th: Light west winds that ramped up about 1:00pm. From 1:00 pm-3:30pm Wind were strong
WNW @ 20-24mph. Linda, Monty, Jeff, Jmac, Chrizzo, and Ryan all got a good session from F.F.-M.S.P.
Chrismas Day: Light west winds that turned east in afternoon.
Dec.24th: Winds were good, but i think everyone was busy with Christmas Stuff.
Dec.23rd: West winds were light all morning. A couple people had a session in the Camas. The rest of
the afternoon was variable and snowing. The snowpark received 3'' more inches today. Forecast is for
7-10'' inches of snow tomorrow. This is shaping up to be the best year i have ever witnessed.
Dec. 22th: Crap east winds today. 3'' of new snow! It's getting deep up there.
Dec. 21th: Today looks good as well. Lots of people are heading up today.
Forecast says WNW @ 16-22.
Dec. 20th: Camas valley is good to go! Ryan Waite and Chris Philps tore it up in 14'' of freshes. winds
were NW @ 20-25 mph. Prefect day!
Dec. 19th: 7-10''today !!!! holy moly! Another foot and we can ride everywhere. Friday looks good for
Dec. 18th: 4'' more today. THE FLATS ARE RIDABLE!
Dec. 17th: Snowpark received 3''. It's looking better!
Dec. 7-16th: 3'' base held steady
Dec. 6th: It should snow again tonight. let hope. this weekend is looking pretty good
Dec. 5th: calm winds snow is questionable
Dec. 4th: nothing happening
Dec. 3rd: winds light out of the SE 6-15 mph. It got warm today high 30's. but more snow is coming
Dec. 2nd:.8 local riders had a great day. Winds ESE 15-20 mph for most of the day. Snow is thin 4-6
inches. Forecast is looking good for the next 5 days. More snow an more wind. The season is finally
Idaho Kitesports
Daily Report: If you have news from the field email us and we will post it.